Saturday, February 12, 2011

What is good housekeeping ?

Good housekeeping is a very subjective term
because it means different things to different

For example, a housewife in a modern
developed country like USA would want
everything in the house to be clean and tidy
..... no dust, no leftovers, no crawling insects,
furnitures and kitchen utensils arranged nicely
..... and everything has to be spick and span.

But to a poor housewife in a Third World country
in Africa, good housekeeping means just a shelter
over the head ....... sleeping on the sandy floor
of the thatched-roof hut, with chickens and cats
sharing the same living area ..... and with dirty
looking cooking pots lying nearby .

Thus, keeping the house in order would not
necessarily be the same for every women.

What is considered good housekeeping,
may mean excellent housekeeping to some.
And poor housekeeping may mean no
housekeeping at all to the women who are
used to a very high standard of living.

So how would you define "good housekeeping" ?

Would you find the answer by looking up
the Good Housekeeping Institute of UK ?

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